Friday, April 10, 2015

Deborah Butterfield

Students became familiar with the work of artist Deborah Butterfield and her sculptures.

*Deborah Butterfield is a female artist that lives in Montana and makes horse sculptures.
*While growing up, she loved horses and many artists create works inspired by things they love and cherish. 
*While in college, she lived near a horse farm where she could see horses from her window.  She eventually took a job taking care of the nearby horses.
*Artists can use materials that are not purchases but that they find.  These materials are called found objects.
*What found objects did Deborah Butterfield use?
*You will notice Butterfield's studio.  Notice her material piles. How are they sorted?  Why do you think she has such a large space and doors?

*Can you think of some found materials you can bring in to use in your art?

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