Tuesday, January 5, 2016

What do you like to Draw?

Drawing is one of the first types of art that we create.  Think of the scribbles you made as a young child.  Has your ability to draw improved as you have gotten older? 

So after looking at these stages, you probably agree that we get better at drawing.

What does an artist need to do to improve drawing skills?

Some people would say that being able to 'see' is the key to drawing well.  I encourage you to look and study what you are about to draw.  Look at the outline.  Look at the areas of dark, medium and light values.  Look at the size of the object.  Look where details occur.  Visually divide up the object into parts.  The longer you look and study what you are about to draw, I have a hunch, the more successful your drawing will be.  Keep looking and look hard at what you are drawing as you make marks on your paper.

some artists draw LARGE!

some artists like to work small:

What do people draw?

People draw what they can see:

People draw what they remember

 Many artists use their memories to help them create great works of art. think  of something you remember and draw as many supporting details as you can to help "tell the story." 

People draw what they imagine!

People draw what they feel

How is this drawing able to show feeling or emotion?

People draw marks with a drawing tool

What do you like to draw?

How can you stretch your drawing and make a WOW piece?
-Make a book
-Make a poster
-Draw in Sharpie and paint your work (use 80lb. paper)
-Create a drawn diorama

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