Monday, November 29, 2021

The Right Tool or Material for the Job


In a TAB Art Studio, artists understand to use the right tool and material for the job.  
There can be EXCEPTIONS but still artists need to know the correct tool for the job. What does exception mean? 
(doesn't follow the rule or follow the expectation)
These materials are not what we typically think of as art supplies; 
 they are exceptions to the rule.

When you hear the words Medium, Material and Tools in the art room, what do they really mean?

Tool:  a handheld device that aids in accomplishing a task
examples: ruler, scissor, saw, stencil, paintbrush

Material/Medium: the matter from which a thing is or can be made
examples: yarn, paper, wood, beads, paint, crayon

What we see when we look at art

Our art room is divided up into studios.  Drawing, Collage, Sculpture, Painting, Fibers, Architecture, Jewelry and Printmaking.  All the materials you need for those studios are in each studio.  This will help you to know you are using the right materials for the job.

Let's look at a few materials and decide if we are using them correctly for the art job at hand.  

Drawing Materials

*Think about if you are drawing large or small.

Coloring Large Areas and for texture rubbings.  Peel the crayon and place the crayon on its side

Using the point for detail work and small areas.  Same with markers.  Use a detail marker or a chisel tip for large areas of color.

Adhesives --something sticky that holds things together.

When attaching materials, do you want the attachment to show?  

Tape, Staples and Brass fasteners will be VISIBLE, meaning they will be seen.  These should be part of your design if we can see them!

Glue should not show.  Craftsmanship and Quality Work!
If your glue shows, you are using too much glue!

Small delicate items.  Paper to Paper.  
Paper to Paper.  

Gemstones, Foam Shapes, Thick paper, Popsicle sticks....What else?

Heavy duty!  Wood, Thick Cardboard, Plastic

When we cut materials in art, we are SAFE!

*We cut wood with a saw.  
*Safety goggles and a Vice are required!
*We cut back and forth across the top--not the side.

Shears are for cardboard

Scissors for Fabric.  Fibers ONLY scissors!

*No jabbing, stabbing or poking into materials
A drill and a hole punch will help you create a hole or make a start for your scissors to cut 

Paper Trimmer 

Cutting Large Sheets of paper down into smaller sizes
*paper only, no wet art, one sheet at a time, no hands under the guard

Artists use a variety of papers.
*Use the right paper for the job!

When do artists use Sketch Paper, Practice Paper, Newsprint 


80 pound paper
(Final Drawings and anything wet!  
what 3 art materials we use on paper that are wet?)


Little Needle Little thread

Big needle Big string (yarn)

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