Friday, November 20, 2015

How to SHARE your work

Artists share their work for many reasons:
*get feedback
*get suggestions
*to take in compliments
*to connect with viewers
*to become more clear on your own work

*Place art on the counter before the clean up song is over.  No artwork will be accepted before or after the clean up song.   

*No WET work will be accepted until it's dry the following class, this includes glue and paint.

Students will join together on the rug.  You will be invited up to share your work.

*Tell everyone about your work.  What went well.  What challenges you fixed or improved.  Your favorite part.  Where you got your idea.  What you plan to do next.  What materials you used.  What studios you visited.  

*Start with a compliment --Say thank you.

Let fellow artists know what kind of feedback you'd like on your "sharing sandwich".

SUGGESTIONS:  "you could...."  or "you might..."  This is great for when you are in the middle of a project.  Or not sure what to do next with your artwork.  This is advice you might bring back to the studio with you the following class.

VALUE:  fellow artists can share what they value in your work.  For example, the craftsmanship, idea, or creativity perhaps.  This is great for when the artwork being shared is finished.

CONNECTION:  Fellow artists may share a connection they have to your work?  Your art might bring a memory or connect with a life experience of the viewer.

CLARIFY:  Student might be wondering about materials, your idea or simply need you to clear up something you said about your work.

QUESTION:  "I'm wondering...".  This is a great opportunity for fellow artists to find out about your work.  They might ask where you got your idea,  the steps you used to make your work, or what you plan to do next.

*A sharing session ends with a compliment.  The artist will say thank you!

*The more quickly you clean up, the more time we will have to share!!!

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