A zine (pronounced zeen) is a self-published mini-magazine.
We will focus on a simple mini-zine 8 page booklet
zine making steps:
One of the many methods to make a zine is using an 8 page booklet.
Fold your paper "hot dog style" once.
Fold your paper "hamburger style".
Pay attention to this step.
Start your cut on the fold. Cut on the line across one rectangle. Stop at the intersecting line.
Add illustrations and text. Add a title and your name.
Will your zine be a one-of-a-kind or a series?

*If you want to make a series or edition, more than one, see Ms. Williams to have photocopies made BEFORE YOU ADD COLOR!!!
*Options include adding collage and stamping the pages


What Should I write or draw....
Something that excites you. Something you are passionate about. Something you know about. Something you like. Something that interests you.
- A how to guide How To Survive a Zombie Apocalypse toHow To Win an Argument With Your Parents, ______?_______
- Story Telling
- Joke Book
- A character you created
- Communicate words and ideas
- outline drawings for friends to color
- Make a list of things you like or don't like
- Draw
- memories
- About your life
- Your favorite... animal, food, sport, etc.
- Poetry zine
- something silly
- A DIY zine
- Lists....Top 10 list.
- recipes
- Paper
- Something to write with
- A pair of scissors
- Something to write with
- A pair of scissors
Extra Supplies:
- Glue stick
- Colored pencils (or crayons)
- Rubber stamps
- Washi tape
- Stickers
- Old magazines
- Old stamps
- Paint chips
- Security envelope linings
- String or yarn
- Gelli Print
- Rubber stamps
What idea will you express in a zine?
What materials will you use to create a zine?
create a box of zine supplies, stamp pads, stamps, tape, black pens, scissors, bone folders, hole punches, book staplers, stickers, cut magazine letters
Resources: http://www.readbrightly.com/how-to-make-zine/