Thursday, January 18, 2018


Craftsmanship: the quality of design and work shown in something made by hand; artistry.
 (google images)

As an artist, one of our goals can always be GOOD CRAFTSMANSHIP.  There are several ways to achieve good craftsmanship: 

Focus - by paying attention to your work, this will help you to look for details and quality.
(spending studio time on your art versus talking to your neighbors or having "recess behavior")

Careserious attention or consideration applied to doing something correctly or to avoid damage or risk.
(rolling versus folding and leaving creases in your paper.  Putting your name on your work.)

Effortdetermined attempt.  
(continually trying to improve your work and make it better, neater, and filling the paper)

*Sometimes craftsmanship can depend on our age!  
As students,  you develop more skills as you get older.  What you are able to do as a 5th grader looks different than what a kindergarten can create.   So even though these drawings of people appear to be drawn at a different skill level, these drawings might still be these student's quality work.

*Practice is a great way to improve your craftsmanship!

Let's look at CRAFTSMANSHIP in each studio!


 Notice how this artist filled the page with smooth brush strokes.  This artist used a black outline to make the lion stand out.

 This painting has colorful sky with a collaged foreground.  This student worked several classes, putting time into their work.

Notice how this artist made a sharpie drawing and painted neatly and carefully inside the snail.  It appears the artist cared about the work.


Notice the attention to detail and how the coloring looks nice and neat.  Look at how the space is filled.

What craftsmanship advice would you give this artist?

 This artist is taking her time and being patient.  Notice how carefully this artist is gluing.  Taking time and being patient can help your quality of work.
 What do you notice about this painting style.  What advice would you give this artist?

Fibers Studio
What advice would you give this fibers artist?

How will you show you cared about your work?
How can you improve your craftsmanship in art?