Some artists think about and use MATH when making art, especially when they plan their composition. Composition is a fancy art way of saying where an artist arranges and places objects and elements in their art. Let's look at how artists use Symmetry, Parallel Lines and Perpendicular Lines in art.
Symmetry in Math
That imaginary line that seems to divide a symmetrical shape in half is called a LINE OF SYMMETRY. Picture it as the line where the shape could be folded in half. Why does the triangle have more than one?
Symmetry in Nature
Symmetry can be found in nature. From flowers and seashells to bodies of animals.
Radial Symmetry
SYMMETRY around an axis. Think of a bike wheel or a starfish.
Rose Stained Glass Window |
Symmetry in Art
Symmetry in art can create balance and harmony and make the art visual nice to look at.
Heather Hanson is both artist and dancer. She combines both to create symmetrical artworks. Her kinetic drawings are part dance, part performance art using her body as a drawing tool and ending up as large scale pieces in charcoal or pastels.
Do you notice SYMMETRY in her art?
Pantheon in the Acropolis. | Aztec mosaic ornament |
Parallel Lines
PARALLEL LINES are lines that never intersect (cross) or touch and stay the same distance apart (equidistant).
Op artist Bridget Riley filled her art with lines. Here are some ways she used PARALLEL LINES.
Perpendicular Lines:
Let's look at some perpendicular lines in art.
Piet Mondrian's Geometric art is a great place to view PERPENDICULAR LINES. The black lines criss cross at 90 degree angles.