Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Artists Communicate

 Art is a form of expression. 

When you create a work of art, you’re starting a conversation. You invite others to join the conversation as soon as you share that work, even if it’s just hanging in your home or sitting on an easel where someone else can see it.

Art communicates ideas and thoughts.

How does art communicate?

Artists can tell us about a moment in time.

*Children's Games by Pieter Bruegel

Washington Crossing the Delaware by Emanuel Leutze

Artists can communicate how they are feeling.

Artists can communicate a message.

Artists create art to educate.

Artist allow us to see common things through different eyes.

Artists make us think.

Artists can communicate something happy or funny.

Artists can communicate another reality.

Artists can communicate beauty.

What do you want to communicate in your art?

Which studio would help you to do that best?  would it be better painted, drawn, collaged or constructed?

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