Monday, May 21, 2018

Summer ART

How to be ARTSY this summer

It doesn't take a lot of planning or setup to be creative. You can put a little or a lot of effort into doing or creating something artistic.  Hopefully this list will inspire you and your family to get ARTSY this summer.

Go see art...places to see art in STL.

City Garden downtown

Laumeir Sculpture Garden-explore the hiking trails

Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis
Amy Sherald who was featured in a mini-lesson and painted First Lady Michelle Obama's portrait for the National Portrait Gallery has a show at CAM right now! 

St. Louis Art Museum--the new wing is my favorite!  

St. Louis Grafitti Wall

Get Messy--Art activities

Ask a grown up to help you with these next projects...or google the directions.

Bust out the Sidewalk Chalk--try blending colors, using paint brushes and water to create a new look.

Make a book--fold, staple, draw, collage, write.
 Make it a pop-up book or accordian folded pages.
Draw, Draw, Draw

Act it out--write a play, design the costumes and scenery.  Perform for your family.

Make a card--write a note to a friend or relative that lives far away...get a stamp and mail it! Be sure they
know to write you back.

friendship bracelet--choose colorful string and beads 

make stop motion movie
Make a cut paper mosaic

en plein air in the park or your yard --paint or draw outdoors.

paint with Q tips

Make your lunch into ART

Try Painting with BUBBLES


Paint Kindness Rocks and place them where someone can find your inspirational message.

Read a book about art--books about an artist's life or an art how-to book.

Free art supplies everyone has in their home are recyclables. families can save these items in order to create over the summer.

  • Shoe boxes
  • Paper towel rolls
  • Egg cartons
  • Cereal boxes
  • Toilet paper rolls
  • Kleenex boxes
  • Yogurt containers
Ask mom or dad...or a grown up about signing up for an art camp or workshop!
Michael's Craft Store
Craft Alliance
Krueger Pottery

Have a fantastic summer...see you in August...don't forget to file away all these art experiences in your creativity bank account.

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